Character Arcana (D&D) Ep. 7: The Solemn Scholar

Our heroes head deep into enemy territory. Armen does his best version of stealth, Ummon hears a chilling new voice, and Griffin digs in his heels.
Join us on for the after show!
The titular Solemn Scholar was conceived with the help of @Micah_Monarch on Twitter.
Dungeon Master: Nick Slaick
Griffin Dadson/Editor (Human Druid): Richard Bertelsen
Armen Hammer (Warforged Artificer): Theodore Hong
Ummon Kowka (Tabaxi Sorcerer): Bret Larimer
Find Art, Music and other endeavors by Bret @Sometimes_Family and @Maximus_Fancyman on Instagram
Music from Youtube Audio Library:
“Epic Journey” by Yung Logos
“Dance of the U-Boat” by Aakash Gandhi
“Magical Triumph” by Sir Cubworth
“Decision” by The Tower of Light
“Spirit of Fire” by Jesse Gallagher
“Dark Toys” by SYBS