Character Arcana (D&D) Campaign 2: Ep. 0

WELCOME TO CAMPAIGN 2! We have a preview of the upcoming first episode of Season 2 followed by a discussion where you can meet the players and get special insight into our characters and the world of Feydrasil!
The D20 necklace mentioned in the discussion portion of the episode came from Visit them for the coolest custom table top gaming hardware!
Armen’s custom weapon was inspired by a design by @j.i.nx.g on Instagram, @GJX50215912 on Twitter. Check them out for all your sweet homebrew goodness needs.
Dungeon Master/Artwork: Nick Slaick (@CharacterArcana on Twitter)
Griffin Dadson/Editor: Richard Bertelsen (@CharacterArk on IG)
Armen Hammer: Ted Hong(
Ummon Kowka: Bret Larimer (@Maximus_Fancyman on IG)